2013 Season Preview #1 (MLS Talk Podcast)

We are pleased to bring you the 2013 MajorLeagueSoccerTalk Season Preview Podcasts! We will cover roughly a third of the league in each episode in the next week and change.

We have chosen to breakdown the teams in alphabetical order this season, and so the podcast team takes care of the Chicago Fire all the way through F.C. Dallas. Earl Reed hosts the podcast, with Chris Webb (Unitedmania.Com), Lisa Erickson (Quake, Rattle, & Goal), and Robert Hay availing themselves to weigh in on the teams in question.

After finishing the first six previews, they also go through some news, including the astonishing announcement that Robbie Rogers was leaving football after revealing his sexual orientation. They reflect on his dilemma, and whether MLS and its supporters may be ready to accept a gay player. They also discuss Landon Donovan’s delayed return to the Galaxy, the Shalrie Joseph transfer saga, and the US U-20 team.

Feel free to rate and leave us feedback in the iTunes store, comment below, or find us on Twitter at the following places: MLS Talk, Robert Hay, Lisa Erickson, Chris Webb & Earl Reed.

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4 Responses to 2013 Season Preview #1 (MLS Talk Podcast)

  1. robb says:

    Is there a way to download the podcasts? Stitcher doesnt provide an app for my phone. Thanks,

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