Conclusions (MLS Talk Podcast)

As March closes, the MLS Talk Podcast talks about the matches that closed out this holiday weekend in American soccer. LA enjoys a late equalizer, Dallas continues to lead out west, Sporting Kansas City kicks out of their funk against hot Montreal, and Chivas USA keeps rolling along. There is also some analysis of the USMNT draw at Mexico.

This also marks the end of the MLS Talk Podcast. We thank you for your support of the podcast through it’s various forms and lineups. It saddens us to be closing shop, but you can find the hosts on Twitter at the following accounts: Earl Reed (@earl_of_reed), Daniel Feuerstein (@dfeuerstein), and Robert Hay (@roberthayjr). You can also follow @epltalk and @thegaffer on Twitter to keep abreast of everything happening with MLS Talk.

Thanks for downloading and listening to the MLS Talk Podcast!

Array ( [url] => [type] => audio/mpeg [size] => 32319301 [duration] => 01:07:19 )
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4 Responses to Conclusions (MLS Talk Podcast)

  1. The original Tom says:

    sorry to hear that the end of the podcast and website is immenent. Thanks for the pods guys, I’ve enjoyed them.

    I guess we will have to go over to EPLtalk to get MLS banter (the MLS site gives pretty good coverage, but banter can’t be official sites, can it?). Perhaps a name change??? Anyway, good luck guys and hope to hear from you in the future.

  2. Mark says:

    Incredibly sad to see the MLS Soccer Talk Podcast go away. Listening since Kartik. Sadly the world will never know a Fuerstein (sp?)/ Webb no holds barred verbal smackdown.
    Thought the new cast was really gelling. Best of luck to all of them on their future ventures. Thanks for the analysis and laughs. Off to CSRN.

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