Season Preview #2 (MLS Talk Podcast)

We continue our season preview series at MLS Talk with Houston through Philadelphia, in alphabetical fashion. We add on San Jose in the third segment, since we had a San Jose expert on the line with Lisa Erickson from the Quake, Rattle, and Goal blog. Lisa joined Daniel Feuerstein and Earl Reed in previewing 7 teams in total in this episode. They also dribbled in a bit of news at the end.

Our final preview podcast will publish late Wednesday night, so you will be able to download the episode for your Thursday commute. We’ll be covering the 6 remaining teams.

We appreciate our listeners and we’d like to hear from you. Please rate us and leave feedback in our iTunes store, comment below, or find us on Twitter at the following places: MLS Talk, Daniel FeuersteinLisa Erickson, & Earl Reed.

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One Response to Season Preview #2 (MLS Talk Podcast)

  1. aina says:

    Nice . I liket it so much

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